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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Conceptualizing broad abilities

Schneider, W. J., Mayer, J. D., & Newman, D. A. (2016). Integrating Hot and Cool Intelligences: Thinking Broadly about Broad Abilities. Journal of Intelligence, 4(1), 1. 

This is an interesting, complex and condensed paper
Schneider, Mayer and Newman present the idea of incorporating "hot" abilities alongside the "cold" abilities already present in the CHC model.

What are "cold" and "hot" cognitive abilities?

"Cold" cognitive abilities deal with solving problems and performing tasks that are impersonal.   Examples are tests in intelligence batteries – "number recall", "picture completion"," vocabulary" etc. – they all require impersonal information processing.  "Hot" abilities, on the other hand, concern abilities involving the processing of highly charged and personally significant information such as emotions, personality, and social relations.
Schneider and his colleagues examine two putative abilities "emotional intelligence" (the ability to perceive, understand, manage, and use emotions adaptively) and "personal intelligence" (the ability to perceive, understand, and use information about one’s own and others’ personality adaptively).   In order for these abilities to be included in the CHC model they need to meet a number of conceptual and empirical criteria.   The authors present the criteria and discuss the extent to which these two constructs meet them.

I focus here on conceptualizations of broad abilities, and on the criteria for the inclusion of a proposed broad ability in the CHC model.  To note, Schneider and his colleagues believe that these two proposed abilities have the potential to meet these criteria.  Those who want to read more about the ways "emotional intelligence" and "personal intelligence" meet these criteria – should read the paper (link above).

The following contain extensive quotes from the paper with small additions of my own.

The authors write that in adding more and more abilities to the model (any model, not only CHC)' there is danger that  the model will include “more and more factors of less and less importance".

When we attempt to classify animals, it is perfectly reasonable to talk about animals that walk, animals that swim, and animals that fly. We can group animals by continent, by social structure, by mating habits, by diet, or by the climate in which they thrive. We can make an extremely large number of perfectly reasonable distinctions. However, taxonomists have mostly focused on classifying animals by their theorized evolutionary lineages, because doing so usefully and succinctly organizes many phenomena about animals that would otherwise be unexplained.

In a similar fashion, scholars have made all sorts of distinctions among cognitive abilities. Abilities can be classified according to sensory modalities (visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, proprioceptive, and so forth), according to particular kinds of symbolic content (verbal, numerical, and figural), by the rate at which a task can be done, by the difficulty level of the task (speed vs. power). Some abilities are defined by giving a single correct response, others by generating many correct answers  (convergent vs. divergent production). Some abilities require serial processing, others parallel processing (simultaneous vs. successive processing.

Thus the same test cluster can be classified in different ways.   For example, the test cluster "hand movements", "number recall" and "word order" in the Kaufman test can be classified as assessing sequential processing, but it can also be classified as assessing short term memory range.  Another test cluster (for instance, "triangles", "face recognition", "gestalt closure", "spatial memory", "picture series" in the Kaufman test) can be classified as assessing simultaneous processing.  From another point of view it's possible to classify it as assessing visual processing.

The authors write that most of these distinctions are rationally derived and have intuitive appeal. In addition, they are often grounded in robust findings from neuropsychology and/or cognitive psychology. However, at some point, the number of distinctions in the taxonomy makes the system too difficult to use and impossible to verify empirically. Theorizing, like all forms of creativity, thrives under properly balanced constraints.

In the factor-analytic tradition of intelligence theories, the constraints come in the form of correlation coefficients that must vary according to a particular structural model. However, obtaining a well-fitting structural model is only one step in a long process of construct validation research. Although factor analysis can tell us that broad abilities exist, it does not easily reveal their number and nature. 

What exactly is a broad cognitive ability?

The authors suggest a number of ways to conceptualize a "broad ability":

1.  Broad abilities are widely applicable

Broad abilities are useful in various aspects of life and in various situations.  For instance, fluid ability, the ability to apply abstract reasoning  and to solve new problem, is broad in the sense that it is useful in many life situations.  The ability to knit is an analogy for a narrow ability, in the sense that its usefulness is not that broad.

2.  Broad abilities are essential precursors to other abilities

The authors argue that the ability to see is broad in the sense that it is an essential ingredient in many other abilities. The ability to whistle is a precursor to far fewer abilities. Working memory capacity is a broad ability in this sense, because it is a relatively unified domain-general capacity that is an essential ingredient in many other abilities—fluid reasoning in particularFluid reasoning is supported by attention and memory as well as the various perceptual processing capacities. That is, if one can hold one’s attentional focus on a wide array of information in working memory (whether it be external sensory information shaped by perceptual processing or internal knowledge retrieved from long-term memory) one is better able to discern useful patterns within this information 

3.  Broad abilities are conceptual categories.
Factor analysis alone cannot distinguish between variables that load together because of an underlying ability or variables that load together due to arbitrary reasons.  For example, a factor analysis of physical abilities among Norwegians might reveal a small factor consisting of rifle shooting accuracy and cross-country skiing endurance. Before we theorize about an ability construct that explains the link between these two disparate skills, we would do well to consider the popularity of the Biathlon event in Norway.  This is an example of a social habit that may cause undue classification of tests and narrow abilities to a broad ability.  It's better to define a broad ability as a cluster of tests that group together due to a real ability underlying them; a cluster of tests that are causally related.

4.  Broad Abilities are Collective Properties

A collective property is a feature that emerges from the measurement of many objects. For example, the sample mean is not in the sample, it is a collective property of the sample. Even though some numbers in the sample might have the same value as the sample mean, they are not conceptually the same thing as the sample mean.  Racial diversity in the classroom is not found in any particular student but is a collective property of the group. To say that a particular student adds to the racial diversity of a classroom is not so much a statement about the student but about the current composition of the class as a whole.

Broad abilities may be collective properties in the sense that the cluster of tests measuring them has qualities that do not necessarily exist fully in each of the specific tests.   That is, the cluster has an emergent quality beyond what each specific test comprising it has.

5.  Broad abilities are causal systems. 

Traditional hierarchical factor-analytic models imply that narrow abilities have no relationships with each other after controlling for broader abilities. In a causal system model, narrow abilities influence each other directly in sometimes complex networks of association. Thus, broad abilities are not so much “things” (i.e., discrete entities) as they are relatively integrated portions of a large network of abilities.

The ability to store information in working memory is a broad ability in this sense because it refers to a collection of interdependent narrow abilities. For example, it is reasonably clear that there are different subsystems of working memory that handle different kinds of sensory codes (the phonological loop, the visuospatial sketchpad) and different mechanisms for updating the contents of short-term memoryThe various components of working memory form a functional unity in that they facilitate complex mental functions such as planning and reasoning

6.  Broad Abilities are Sets of “Entangled” Narrow Abilities

Test in intelligence batteries measure narrow abilities.  But a test is never a "clean" measure of a narrow ability.  This is simply impossible, since the items must be presented in some modality (visually, aurally, visually+ aurally etc.)    This doesn't mean that all tests that present items visually measure visual processing, or that all test that present the items aurally measure auditory processing.  It means that these tests have a visual or auditory ingredient.  For example, number recall has an auditory ingredient, but it does not assess auditory processing.  It assesses short term memory, since the auditory processing component  is small compared to the short term memory component.   

Thus, factors that influence a child's functioning on one broad ability can affect his functioning on another broad ability to a lesser degree.  In this sense, the abilities are "entangled" and the boundaries between them are fuzzy. 

What considerations do researchers make when they decide to include a new broad ability in the model?

The authors suggest that a suggested broad ability has to meet these criteria:

1. The Content Domain of the Putative Broad Ability Must Be Clearly Laid Out

Researchers should be able to communicate about the ability sufficiently well that their findings can inform subsequent research about the ability. In particular, different teams of researchers should be able to create new measures of the construct based on a shared understanding of what it is.  

I think the term "dyscalculia" suffers from this problem.  Dyscalculia' of course' is not a cognitive ability but a syndrome.  Due to lack of a unitary, agreed upon definition of dyscalculia, different studies assess it using tests that are essentially and conceptually different.  Different studies classify people to groups of dyslcaulics and non-dyscalculics based on widely different criteria.  This makes it difficult for research to progress.

2.  The New Construct Can Be Measured With Performance Tests

Performance tests are tests in which one performs an activity or a task (defines a word, constructs a model out of blocks), as opposed to tests that require a person to answer theoretical questions about his ability in the area assessed (rank your vocabulary on a scale of 1 to 5).

3.  The New Construct Has Properties Similar to Established Cognitive Abilities

All well-established cognitive abilities thus far identified develop with age and correlate positively with each other. It is extremely likely that newly identified abilities will do likewise.

4.  The New Construct Should Be Measurable With Tests That Exhibit Convergent and Discriminant Validity.

Convergent validity refers to the degree to which two measures of constructs that theoretically should be related, are in fact related.  Convergent validity can be established if two similar constructs correspond with one another, while discriminant validity applies to two dissimilar constructs that are easily differentiated. Tests measuring the same ability are supposed to correlate higher with each other than with tests measuring other abilities.
The psychometric model of intelligence, that includes broad abilities, each measured by a number of narrow abilities, is the result of factor analysis of hundreds of cognitive tests.  Such analysis yields clusters of tests that behave in the same way (a child who scores high on one of the tests in a cluster usually scores high on other tests in the cluster, but not necessarily on tests that belong to a different cluster).  Each such cluster is conceptualized as a "cognitive ability" and is named after the common feature of tests that belong to it.  But factor analysis is not entirely objective.  Its results are affected by decisions the researchers make:

a.  The number of tests included in the factor analysis.  If the analysis is performed, say, on 10 tests,  2 factors may manifest.  But if the analysis is performed on 100 tests, more factors may manifest.  The number of tests included in the analysis affects the number of factors that result from it. 

B.  The variety of tests included in the factor analysis:  if the analysis includes, for example, tests measuring motor and visoomotor skills, such an ability may manifest.  If no such tests are included in the factor analysis, no such ability will manifest.

5. The New Construct Predicts Important Outcomes Even After Accounting for More Established Cognitive Abilities

By including groups of overly similar tests in a study (for instance, number recall, letter recall, color recall, picture recall etc.), it is possible to make it appear that a test battery has whatever broad abilities one wants it to have. Abilities “discovered” this way are not true abilities but what Cattell called “bloated specifics”. A bloated specific differs from a true ability in that it does not correlate with any external criteria worth studying. Thus, before a new ability is to be admitted into a theoretical taxonomy, it is not enough that a factor analysis supports its existence. That new factor must predict something that matters, above and beyond the other facets of intelligence.

6.  The New Construct Should Be Linked to Specific Neural Modules That Evolved to Help Humans Survive and Reproduce

Without this criterion, almost any useful skill could be dubbed a new intelligence. For example, computer skills are becoming increasingly important .  Is there a digital intelligence? Answering yes stretches the meaning of intelligence far beyond its traditional boundaries. Computer skills have no plausible evolutionary history. Natural selection has not had time to evolve special cognitive functions that help humans use computers to survive and reproduce. The intelligent use of computers relies exclusively on repurposing cognitive functions that evolved previously to solve other problems of survival and reproduction.

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